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Anne @ DARK
Circum-galactic medium Molecular gas in galaxies, Absorption-selected galaxies, Cosmic evolution of molecular gas and dust, Multi-wavelength observations of absorption-selected galaxies and AGN, Active Galactic Nuclei physics and evolution, Supermassive black holes in AGN and black hole mass determinations
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Axel @ DARK
Galactic dynamics, dynamical mass measurements, Gaia, dark matter particle phenomenology, dark matter capture by the Sun
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galaxy evolution, high-redshift galaxies, Lyman-alpha emitters, AGN reverberation mapping, transients, galaxy surveys, data analysis techniques, spectroscopy, infrared imaging, instrumentation, X-shooter, VISTA/VIRCAM
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Christian @ DAWN/NBI
Machine Learning, Statistics, Gamma Ray Bursts
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Clara @ DAWN/NBI
Spatially Resolved Observations, Dust, Line Emission Maps, Low-redshift (so far), interstellar medium, Extinction/Attenuation
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Francesca @ DAWN/NBI
sub-mm galaxies, galaxy dynamics and kinematics, low and high-z galaxies, Bayesian statistics, IFU spectroscopy, sub-mm spectroscopy, gravitational lensing, dark matter models
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Francesco @ DAWN/NBI
Galaxies: Massive, Passive, Star-forming, Distant. Interstellar medium: observations. Protoclusters of galaxies
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Galaxies at cosmic dawn, stellar populations, galaxy surveys, data analysis techniques
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Georgios @ DAWN/DTU
galaxy evolution, interstellar medium, star formation, infrared
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Hans Ulrik @ DAWN/DTU
Stellar population synthesis, High redshift galaxies, Deep Imaging Surveys, Observationer med JWST
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Johan @ DAWN/NBI
quasars, intergalactic medium, absorption line systems, chemical evolution, gamma-ray bursts, Lyman-alpha emitters, transients, instrumentation
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quenching, post-starburst, stellar mass function, kinematics/dynamics, quasars, integral field spectroscopy, catalogs, statistical techniques
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Joonas @ DAWN/NBI
Astronomical instrumentation, sky continuum background, interline continuum background, spectroscopy, optics, electronics, NOT Transient Explorer (NTE), observational techniques in VIS and NIR, spectroscopy with ELTs, photon-starved astronomy.
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Kasper @ DAWN/NBI
High-redshift galaxies, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmic chemical evolution, interstellar medium, absorption-selected galaxies, astrophysical transients, quasar selection techniques.
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Low redshift galaxies, post-starburst galaxies, galaxy morphology measurements
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Lijie @ DAWN/DTU
Star formation, Molecular clouds, Interstellar medium, Molecular lines and Radiative transfer, Nearby galaxies.
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Galaxy evolution. Chemical evolution in high-redshift galaxies. Connecting galaxies with the circumgalactic/interstellar medium. Quasar absorption lines
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Malte @ DAWN/DTU
Galaxy Evolution, Starburst Galaxies, Protoclusters of Galaxies, Submillimeter Astronomy, ISM, Dust, AGN.
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Meghana @ DAWN/NBI
High z galaxies, LAEs, LBGs, super star clusters, galaxy morphology, 3D HST, COSMOS & GOODS catalogs, KMOS
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Nikki @ DARK
cosmology, Hubble tension, extensions to LCDM, cluster mass estimation, gravitationally lensed quasars & supernovae, machine learning
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high-redshift galaxies, LBGs, cluster galaxies, BCGs, star-forming galaxies, quiescent galaxies, massive galaxies, infrared photometry (galaxies), optical line spectroscopy (galaxies), X-ray emission (galaxies); algorithms, statistics; JWST NIRSpec MOS, JWST galaxy science; astronomical data analysis software and methods.
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Pascal @ DAWN/UniGe
High-redshift galaxies, Cosmic Dawn, Galaxy Evolution, Galaxy Formation, Star-Forming Galaxies
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Peter J. @ DAWN/NBI
UV, visible and near-IR space astronomy and instrumentation, spectroscopy, quasar absorption lines, reionization, applications of statistics in astronomy. History of Astronomy.
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Peter L. @ DAWN/NBI
Lyman alpha theory, radiative transfer, simulations, interstellar medium, dust, Lyman alpha emitters, reionization, outreach.
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Sandra @ DARK
AGN, black holes, accretion discs, gas/stellar dynamics, integral field spectroscopy
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Seiji @ DAWN/NBI
high-redshift submillimeter galaxies, massive galaxies, AGNs, quasars, supermassive black holes, protocluster, galaxy size, structure, morphology, interstellar medium, circumgalactic medium, luminosity function, number counts, dusty, obscured star formation, gravitational lensing
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Steven @ DAWN/DTU
High-redshift galaxies, star-forming galaxies, interstellar medium, morphology, metallicity, turbulence, kinematics / dynamics, integral field spectroscopy, KMOS, JWST MIRI
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massive galaxies, quenched galaxies, starburst galaxies
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Thomas @ DAWN/DTU
Starburst Galaxies Near and Far, Radio and Submillimeter Astronomy, interstellar medium, dust, molecules and Radiative Transfer, Galaxy Simulations
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Vasily @ DAWN/NBI
Interstellar medium, Galaxy evolution, Infrared, SED-Fitting techniques.
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