Public outreach

Part of my job is disseminating the science we do here at the Cosmic Dawn Center. Get in touch if you want to hear about astronomy — I happily give talks and interviews, as well as take part in more untraditional events.

Podcasts (14)
Popular science articles (13)

In addition to the published articles above I've created a small encyclopedia for non-astronomers with short introductions for laymen to some of the stuff that I spend my time on.

I also tweet regularly about astronomy:

Press releases and news stories (56)

I regularly write small articles in laymen's terms about our research at the Cosmic Dawn Center.

Some of these are picked up and reported by other media, of which I list the major ones (Danish sites, and foreign media with ≥ several million viewers/month) below.

Press releases

Other news stories

News on colleagues' grants, awards, and research

Videos (13)

On energies in quantum leaps image hover

James Webb's long journey into space image hover

How do we know that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating? image hover

Five things you should know about the James Webb Space Telescope: image hover

Lost rum ball love: image hover

(Watch the full episode here)

Five things you should know about about galaxies: image hover

Everything is made of particles: image hover

More videos:

Interviews: radio (29)

Interviews: newspapers and online platforms (41)
Interviews: TV (8)
Public talks (100+)

I regularly give talks on various astronomy-related topics to high school students, amateur astronomy associations, companies, and the general public. Even in prisons!

Some topics of the talks I give are:

  • James Webb — the new space telescope
  • Galaxies — the building blocks of the Universe
  • Cosmology — then and now
  • Lyman α — a window to the distant Universe
  • The dark Universe (on dark matter, dark energy, and black holes)
  • Stars — birth, life, and death
  • Spectroscopy and astronomy
  • My research
  • Science communication
Contact me if you'd like me to come give a talk. It'll be fun!

Answering questions (700+)

I'm the editor of the Niels Bohr Institute's Q&A column Ask about Physics.

I also answer questions about physics and astronomy in my own Q&A column and at StackExchange (physics / astronomy).

Do you have a question? Use one of the links above, or ask it in the yellow box below/on the right.

Various events
  • Constructed a spacetime diagram for the popular science book Particle and Cosmos: How does the Universe Work? by Xavi Bartrolí.
  • Scientific consultant on the historical thriller Days of dust about Tycho Brahe's killer.
  • Conversation about black holes, as inspiration for filmmaker Henrike Meyer's movie To be an extra.
  • Guiding illustrator Klavs Moltzen designing an interactive stellar sky, found in the Baneby Park.
  • Fact-checker / scientific consultant on Himlen set fra Jorden ("The sky from below") by Jakob A. Andersen.
  • Scientific consultant to Christian Skjødt Hasselstrøm's work of art µ which converts muons to audible impulses.
  • Consultant on DR's ultra:bit i forskernes fodspor; a course for secondary schoolers on exoplanets.
  • Explained various equations on light and thermodynamics that were used in the TV2 Christmas calendar "Kometernes Jul".
Posters & flyers
  • Poster for soliciting Master students in astronomy.
  • Flyer explaining what we did at DARK.
Supervising school pupils
  • I occasionally help/guide/cheer on/supervise high school or secondary school students doing astronomy/physics projects.
    • For instance, a news article by high-school student Ani Nahapetyan's can be seen here.