Public outreach

Part of my job is disseminating the science we do here at the Cosmic Dawn Center. Get in touch if you want to hear about astronomy — I happily give talks and interviews, as well as take part in more untraditional events.

Podcasts (12)
Popular science articles (13)

In addition to the published articles above I've created a small encyclopedia for non-astronomers with short introductions for laymen to some of the stuff that I spend my time on.

I also tweet regularly about astronomy:

Press releases and news stories (55)

I regularly write small articles in laymen's terms about our research at the Cosmic Dawn Center.

Some of these are picked up and reported by other media, of which I list the major ones (Danish sites, and foreign media with ≥ several million viewers/month) below.

Press releases

Other news stories

News on colleagues' grants, awards, and research

Videos (10)

Five things you should know about the James Webb Space Telescope: image hover

Lost rum ball love: image hover

(Watch the full episode here)

Five things you should know about about galaxies: image hover

Everything is made of particles: image hover

More videos:

Interviews: radio (25)

Interviews: newspapers and online platforms (35)
Interviews: TV (8)
Public talks

I regularly give talks on various astronomy-related topics to high school students, amateur astronomy associations, companies, and the general public. Even in prisons!

Some topics of the talks I give are:

  • James Webb — the new space telescope
  • Galaxies — the building blocks of the Universe
  • Cosmology — then and now
  • Lyman α — a window to the distant Universe
  • The dark Universe (on dark matter, dark energy, and black holes)
  • Stars — birth, life, and death
  • Spectroscopy and astronomy
  • My research
  • Science communication
Contact me if you'd like me to come give a talk. It'll be fun!

Answering questions
I answer questions about physics and astronomy at

Do you have a question? Ask it using the form below/on the right.

Various events
  • Conversation about black holes, as inspiration for filmmaker Henrike Meyer's movie To be an extra.
  • Guiding illustrator Klavs Moltzen designing an interactive stellar sky, found in the Baneby Park.
  • Fact-checker / scientific consultant on Himlen set fra Jorden ("The sky from below") by Jakob A. Andersen.
  • Consultant on DR's ultra:bit i forskernes fodspor; a course for secondary schoolers on exoplanets.
  • Explained various equations on light and thermodynamics that were used in the TV2 Christmas calendar "Kometernes Jul".
Posters & flyers
  • Poster for soliciting Master students in astronomy.
  • Flyer explaining what we did at DARK.
Supervising school pupils
  • I occasionally help/guide/cheer on/supervise high school or secondary school students doing astronomy/physics projects.
    • For instance, a news article by high-school student Ani Nahapetyan's can be seen here.